15 Etsy Store Owners. Who got more comments will win a Kiwi Emery Pincushion from me. Here is the Second Candidate Ruth AKA The Enchanted Square.
Hello! I am a mother of 3 that has always made crafted items. I love anything that is arts and crafts and being able to develop things with my hands. Whether it is dolls, quilts bags or clothing – creating something from a blank canvas has always been a passion.
I made my first quilt with my ever so talented grandmother when I was 10 years old. It wasn't pretty, being made of simple squares and leftover fabric from her stash but it was mine and I fell in love with sewing. Through my life I have taken on a strong sense of expression through art and design.
The details in the quilts, dolls and bags you see in my shop have been carefully thought through. I have 8 years of making quilts as gifts for friends and family. I have a desire to add quality materials, vibrant fabrics and bold design to every one of my products. Even though so much time and energy is put into my products my intention is for them to be used.
The Enchanted Square as a name came out of the fact that my friends always liked my twist of things that have been done before. I like to think out of the box so to speak on all my creative endeavors.
Look for updates on my blog http://www.theenchantedsquare.blogspot.com/ , Facebook Fan Page: Facebook Fan http://www.facebook.com/EnchantedSquare , Twitter: http://twitter.com/EnchantedSquare .
Oh and I have another job/business. I am in the Design/Construction industry. Check out my business site http://www.studiorestoration.net/
3.How do you prepare to sewing/quilting?
I glean from so many areas and I probably over research what I want to do. I then pattern what I want to make with pattern material. I then start pulling fabrics, leather, trim and hardware that work together. I tend to make multiples in different colors so I have at least 3-6 varieties laid out and ready to be assembled. I cut all the pieces out and then sit and sew my tail off.
4.Do you sew after getting the order or forehead?
I sew as much before. I love custom orders and always become inspired through them.
5.Where/How do you keep your items after you finish them?
I have wonderful built in cabinets in my room and am able to keep them safely tucked away in them.
6.How do you pack your items and how do you send them?
I love using the postal service because of the pricing an convenience. Most of my items ships priority mail and I use the boxes the postal service provides. I always wrap my items in tissue paper and provide a copy of the order.
7.Your favorite 5 supply stores.
Hello! I am a mother of 3 that has always made crafted items. I love anything that is arts and crafts and being able to develop things with my hands. Whether it is dolls, quilts bags or clothing – creating something from a blank canvas has always been a passion.
I made my first quilt with my ever so talented grandmother when I was 10 years old. It wasn't pretty, being made of simple squares and leftover fabric from her stash but it was mine and I fell in love with sewing. Through my life I have taken on a strong sense of expression through art and design.
The details in the quilts, dolls and bags you see in my shop have been carefully thought through. I have 8 years of making quilts as gifts for friends and family. I have a desire to add quality materials, vibrant fabrics and bold design to every one of my products. Even though so much time and energy is put into my products my intention is for them to be used.
The Enchanted Square as a name came out of the fact that my friends always liked my twist of things that have been done before. I like to think out of the box so to speak on all my creative endeavors.
Look for updates on my blog http://www.theenchantedsquare.blogspot.com/ , Facebook Fan Page: Facebook Fan http://www.facebook.com/EnchantedSquare , Twitter: http://twitter.com/EnchantedSquare .
Oh and I have another job/business. I am in the Design/Construction industry. Check out my business site http://www.studiorestoration.net/
1.Where do you sew?
I sew in my basement "studio apartment." My lovely mom let me move in with my 3 kids and we fixed up a great space for us in her basement. It is an inspiring place and I love the fact that I don't have to much room because it forces me to stay organized.
2.How do you organize your materials? Is there any tip that you would like to share with us?
My favorite tip is using Comic Cook Backer Boards for organizing fabric. If you take the fabric and fold it in fourths on the selvage you can roll them on the backer boards like mini-bolts that will fit perfectly on a standard bookshelf. I call it my mini-fabric store.
I glean from so many areas and I probably over research what I want to do. I then pattern what I want to make with pattern material. I then start pulling fabrics, leather, trim and hardware that work together. I tend to make multiples in different colors so I have at least 3-6 varieties laid out and ready to be assembled. I cut all the pieces out and then sit and sew my tail off.
4.Do you sew after getting the order or forehead?
I sew as much before. I love custom orders and always become inspired through them.
5.Where/How do you keep your items after you finish them?
I have wonderful built in cabinets in my room and am able to keep them safely tucked away in them.
6.How do you pack your items and how do you send them?
I love using the postal service because of the pricing an convenience. Most of my items ships priority mail and I use the boxes the postal service provides. I always wrap my items in tissue paper and provide a copy of the order.
7.Your favorite 5 supply stores.
And thanks for sharing pics of your workspace. How neat everything is!!!
I've bought her work; love it and hope to own more.