Etsy Seller : Karma711
What are your interests?

I really enjoy a lot of things. Mostly though I enjoy laughing, making jewelry, watching the Red Sox, playing with my new Wii, and laying at the beach. I also love history, especially ancient history.

How did you find out about Etsy?
One of my sorority sisters told me about it when I told her I was starting my own business after graduation in 2007. Her friend told her about it and she thought it would be a great place for me to show my work. She was right!

Please describe your creative process.
Well, I don't know if it's orthodox...but I take my macbook out to my workspace and pop in one of the arrested development, seinfeld, 30 rock, or favorite movie in and let the background keep me focused. I think I have learned or conditioned myself to really need background noise to block it out to focus. I love playing with the semi-precious stones I have and creating new combinations as well as appreciating where they came from (the archaeologist in me! put that degree to use..wink wink). I just really enjoy using my hands to get things accomplished.

How do you promote your work?
I use the internet mostly. I have pages on etsy, blogspot, facebook, myspace, bigcartel, dawanda, and more! I try to keep up with all them at least on a weekly basis - mostly on a daily basis. I also have local shows, travel shows, fairs, and have some pieces on consignment at a local gallery. I also have a large email list with family and friends that I keep in the loop. I have a TON of business cards as well as my artist information cards. My sorority, friends, and family have really done a lot to help people remember I am here :) I am very thankful for everyone's help.

Could you please tell us about 5 etsy stores that you most like?
Tough choices here... I find stores I love every day. But there are a few that are my top favorites: - wonderful dresses that are super super cute - I asked her to make a custom Bull Terrier for my sister and I can't express how pleased I was to see the finished product. She has a gift. - I bought an owl print from her that I cannot wait to put up once I get my own apartment. I love her technique and style. - she makes FABULOUS bags that are practical and attractive. She made a custom bag for me that fits my macbook perfectly as well as everything else I need. - I found her shop the other week and fell in love with her little mini dresses... who could resist these!